Market Overview

Key Economic Reports this Week: Jobs Data, Manufacturing, and Trade Insights

Monday (June 3)

  • ISM Manufacturing PMI: This index measures the activity level of purchasing managers in the manufacturing sector. It is a key indicator of the economic health of the manufacturing industry.

Tuesday (June 4)

  • JOLTS Job Openings: The Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey (JOLTS) provides insights into the labor market, including the number of job openings, hires, and separations.
  • Factory Orders: This report shows the dollar level of new orders for both durable and non-durable goods, providing a gauge of demand in the manufacturing sector.

Wednesday (June 5)

  • ADP Employment Report: This report provides an estimate of the number of private sector jobs added or lost, offering an early look at employment trends ahead of the official government data.
  • Trade Deficit: The trade balance report indicates the difference in value between imported and exported goods and services.
  • ISM Services PMI: Similar to the manufacturing PMI, this index tracks the activity level of purchasing managers in the services sector.

Thursday (June 6)

  • Weekly Jobless Claims: This report provides the number of individuals who filed for unemployment insurance for the first time during the past week, offering insights into labor market conditions.
  • Trade Balance: The trade balance report for goods and services will be updated.

Friday (June 7)

  • Nonfarm Payrolls Report: The most closely watched report of the week, it includes the number of jobs added or lost in the economy, the unemployment rate, and average hourly earnings. This report is crucial for understanding the overall health of the labor market and has significant implications for monetary policy​ (​​ (​​ (DailyFX)​.

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