Corey Payne from Dallas, Texas is one of the latest ‘scalp style’ traders to receive funding through OneUp Trader. Payne received his $25,000 funded trading account in January 2024 after passing the evaluation in just 17 days.
“I chose the $25,000 account size because it offers the best ratio between the profit target and trailing drawdown while still allowing me to use up to 3 contracts,” Payne explained. “As a scalper, having that leverage is important for my trading approach.”
What drew Payne to OneUp Trader in the first place? He cites the user-friendly platform, clear rules, excellent training resources, and responsive customer support as major factors. But ultimately, the ability to get funded for a single upfront cost without any ongoing monthly fees sealed the deal.
“OneUp Trader is a low-risk way to get access to a higher ratio of capital for trading,” said Payne. “You’re not risking your own money while learning, which is crucial for dealing with the psychological challenges of trading.”
The transition from passing the evaluation to getting funded was seamless for Payne. “I submitted my evaluation on a Friday and had a funded account by Monday – it was exactly as advertised.” He hasn’t requested a withdrawal yet, preferring to build up his account balance as a buffer first.
For aspiring traders, Payne emphasizes having a solid plan and sticking to it, including setting daily loss limits. He also recommends starting conservatively with sizing until you understand the expectancy and capabilities of your trading system.
With accounts now funded at multiple firms, Payne has found OneUp Trader to be the most user-friendly and well-structured of the bunch. As he continues growing his trading business, OneUp Trader strives to be there for him every step of the way.
See Cory’s trading strategy below: