You must exercise discipline to succeed as a futures trader. You need the proper implementation of basic essential elements of trade to make profits long-term in the market. Trading without a sufficient amount of experience is one of the reasons many traders lose money. Traders must know how to properly manage their risk and control Read More…
Tag: Funded Futures Traded
Futures Trading Checklist
When given the choice between trading objectively and trading through the gut, the odds are that an objective strategy might suit you better. When given the choice between trading fairly and trading entirely “from the gut,” chances are that an unbiased method may fit you better. An easy but powerful approach to make unbiased decisions Read More…
Interview with OneUp Funded Trader: Gil. Y.
Before joining OneUp trader and receiving funding from the site, he had little knowledge of money and risk management. His entire trading strategy revolved around technical analysis. However, after joining OneUp, he has grown to be a successful trader by “10,000 percent”. Some of his best advice is to start each trading with a clear Read More…