Economies that take the primary steps to ease COVID-19 lockdown measures are beginning to record significant improvements in suppressing the virus. This gradually leads to economic recoveries. Also, it is an indication that the second upsurge of the coronavirus infections is unlikely to occur. The initial phases of recovery from the COVID-19 recession are comparatively Read More…
Year: 2020
Digital Currencies And The Future Of Money
Blockchain-based digital currencies could revolutionize the financial industry. Cryptocurrencies like bitcoin reverse the traditional modes of transactions between individuals and organizations. If adopted as an alternative to fiat, they can reduce transaction costs and eliminate the need for intermediaries. This will in turn minimize counterparty risks and stabilize the price. A digital fiat like the Read More…
Capitalism vs. Coronavirus: What Lies in the Future?
Coronavirus lockdowns might be slowly easing around the world, but the current economic and social anxiety won’t disappear anytime sooner. In fact, financial analysts claim that this economic anxiety can intensify if companies don’t adapt to new changes to usher a new era of capitalism. Although the global economy, including the US, is facing a Read More…
Stocks and Bonds on the Washington-Beijing Tension
The US BB section of high-yield bonds enjoys steady recovery as tensions between the US and China mounts. There is still optimism that moderate credit risk in the US market would persist. Yes, we know that the Fed and the US Treasury are resolved to get it to a stable state if there is a Read More…
A Fresh Viewpoint on Pricing and Revenue for Financial Institutions is Possible
The financial sector has been also hard-hit by the global crisis following the COVID-19 outbreak. One major consequence is the downfall of the stock market that has reduced the value of the client’s assets managed by banks and other entities. While loan inquiries stack, the credit risk rises at the same time, thus producing more Read More…
Coronavirus and the Reversal of Globalization
The globalization was undeniably going through a gradual process of reversal long before the pandemic. The optimistic perception and view of the open trade market system were starting to crack. However, the economic disruption is raising the question of whether or not financial markets need globalization. The significant drop in the exports from all across Read More…
Putin and Trump Debate Oil Markets Comeback Ahead of the OPEC+ Meeting
The presidents of the USA and Russia, Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin, gathered a few days ahead of the producer’s alliance to review the OPEC+ deals and the forecasts of incoming cutbacks in the crude production. Last Monday, the Kremlin stated about the conference between both presidents that the multilateral agreement backed by the American Read More…
The US-China Conflict Pushes Down the CNY and the AUD
Chinese Yuan continues to weaken as tensions between the US and China continue to rise over the Coronavirus crisis. The Chinese Yuan falls to its greatest low on Thursday since the Coronavirus pandemic began in September 2019. The fall in the value of CNY is potentially going to continue due to the US-China uncertain relations. Read More…
COVID-19 on Crude Oil and Other Financial Assets
Global nations continue to maintain a health emergency due to the coronavirus pandemic. However, the economic impact on some of the world’s biggest commodity markets will continue to linger for a long time. In fact, the economic shock due to pandemic would result in the decline of major commodity prices throughout 2020. Crude Oil and Read More…
Coronavirus and the Right Bond Picks
As the COVID-19 pandemic puts the economic balance of every country in jeopardy, the scrutiny of bonds has begun. However, the Fed assures American investors that it is in favor of the corporate bond market. Federal Reserve is open about purchasing key exchange-traded funds and investment-oriented assets that are on hold. It is the decision Read More…